radRounds Radiology Network

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radRounds Radiology Network | radRounds.com
radRounds Radiology Network Administration Team
Subspecialty and Expertise in Radiology
- All aspects of radiology! In particular, collaboration, sharing, and networking for radiologists and medical imaging.
- Social media for medical imaging, healthcare, and medicine
Undergraduate, Medical School, and Graduate School (Degrees, Major, and Institution)
Our dedicated medical imaging radRounds team has received training at Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, NYU, Johns Hopkins, and U Penn.
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everything, private practice jobs, academic jobs, moonlighting / locums, teleradiology jobs, non-traditional MD jobs (such as in business; investment banking; finance; etc), consulting offers, new ventures

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-radRounds Admin Team

RadRounds Radiology Network's Blog

How to become a radiologic technologist

Posted on February 16, 2019 at 12:30pm

American College of Radiology 2018 Gold Medalists - Congratulations Dr. Goske, Pressman, and Resnick!

Dr. Marylyn Goske

Dr. Barry Pressman

Dr. Donald Resnick

RESTON, VA — The American College of Radiology (ACR) Board of Chancellors (BOC) selected three innovators as 2018 Gold…


Posted on December 8, 2017 at 4:11pm

Who are the top teleradiology companies currently?

Teleradiology is as popular as ever as a value-added service and as a career path for radiologists.  Demand is high given increasing price sensitivity around imaging costs, decreasing supply of qualified radiologists, healthcare consolidation, and simply disruptive technology enabling radiology to be practiced at low cost from anywhere.

Here is a round-up of current well known and top teleradiology companies whether you are…


Posted on December 7, 2017 at 6:30pm

Dr. Keith Dreyer, MD PhD and MGH Experts on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

Dr. Keith Dreyer, MD PhD, a physician-researcher-executive at Partners Healthcare and luminary in imaging informatics discusses machine learning in opening this brief video on various perspectives.  Additional Mass General radiologists including Dr. James Brink (Chief of Radiology at…


Posted on December 6, 2017 at 4:30pm

Industry and Medical Imaging Innovator Spotlight - Radiologist Dr. Leonardo Valentin joins NVIDIA, first physician on the team, enabling the future for artificial intelligence in radiology

As part of our series of Industry and Medical Imaging Innovator Spotlights, radRounds has the honor to introduce and interview Radiologist, Dr. Leonardo Valentin.  Dr. Leonardo Valentin joins NVIDIA, first physician on the team, with a key leadership role in medical imaging at NVIDIA, enabling the future for artificial intelligence in radiology.…


Posted on December 4, 2017 at 3:30am

List of Open Access Medical Imaging Datasets

Open access medical imaging datasets are needed for research, product development, and more for academia and industry.  We hope this guide will be helpful for machine learning and artificial intelligence startups, researchers, and anyone interested at all.  This is a growing list and will be periodically updated - if you know of another open medical imaging dataset, please email data@radrounds.com.

Radiology Open…


Posted on December 1, 2017 at 8:30pm

Evaluating and Negotiating a Radiologist Job

Great video and lecture by Dr. Raym Geis MD about how you should approach evaluating and negotiating a radiologist position.

Posted on November 8, 2017 at 10:28pm

Radiologist Salary Report - 2016

Salary distributions in 2016 for radiologists by geographical region in the United States

For educational purposes / Source: Medscape Salary Survey 2016

For more details, please visit Medscape directly - …


Posted on December 31, 2016 at 8:17pm

Radiologic Technologist Salaries and Wages by State

Where do radiologic technologists make the most in salary and wages?  Looks like some of the top states include but are not limited to:

  • West Coast:
    • California
    • Oregon
    • Washington State
    • Nevada
  • Midwest:
    • Minnesota
  • East Coast:
    • New York
    • New…

Posted on December 31, 2016 at 7:30pm

Image Wisely Initiates New Annual Pledge Process

Image Wisely Initiates New Annual Pledge Process

Commitment to Promote Safety in Medical Imaging Required Yearly


Reston, VA (Jan. 27, 2016) — Image Wisely participants must now make yearly commitments, as opposed to a one-time pledge, confirming their ongoing dedication to safety in medical imaging.


“Requiring an annual …


Posted on January 27, 2016 at 1:33pm

Knowledge Empowers: Regular Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths

Knowledge Empowers: Regular Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths


PSA Campaign Educates Women about Mammographic Screening


Reston, Va(Oct. 1, 2014) — Thirty percent of the nearly 40,000 women who will die from breast cancer in the next year* could have been helped if they had received a regular mammogram starting at age 40. And, for women…


Posted on October 1, 2014 at 11:16am

ACR: Presidents FY 2015 Budget Would Curtail Imaging and Radiation Oncology Self-Referral

ACR: Presidents FY 2015 Budget Would Curtail Imaging and Radiation Oncology Self-Referral

Prior Authorization Provision Would Burden Providers and Restrict Access


The American College of Radiology applauds steps to reign in medical imaging and radiation oncology self-referral included in the President’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget.[1] However, prior authorization for imaging services, also included the FY 2015 budget, is unnecessary and will…


Posted on March 4, 2014 at 7:19pm

New Image Wisely® Radiation Safety Case, Now Available

Reston, Va. (Jan. 13, 2013) — Image Wisely® recently launched its second Image Wisely Radiation Safety Case — a series of free, online and mobile-compatible educational offerings, developed with the assistance of the American College of Radiology, that allow radiologists, imaging technologists and medical physicists to assess their own understanding of important radiation safety concepts such as radiation dose monitoring and…


Posted on January 13, 2014 at 9:39am

Breast Imaging Cuts in Medicare Final Rule May Delay Diagnosis and Treatment and Increase Patient Anxiety

Washington, DC (Nov. 27, 2013) — Drastic reimbursement cuts for image-guided breast biopsies and other medical imaging techniques in the 2014 Medicare Fee Schedule Final Rule may further reduce women’s access to mammography and other breast cancer services. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) directly cut imaging reimbursement every year since 2007. This, along with 12 Medicare imaging cuts in the last six years due to legislation, increasingly threatens patient…


Posted on November 28, 2013 at 12:27am

Nephosity Releases Easy Drag and Drop Medical Image Viewer for the Web Browser

San Francisco, November 18, 2013

Nephosity, Inc., a health technology startup that was a member of Rock Health's second class, has released a new version the Jack Imaging Web Viewer which allows instant viewing of medical images (e.g., CT, MRI, X-Ray) in the web browser, with no plug-ins or installation required. Users can simply drag and drop a CD containing their medical images onto the web…


Posted on November 19, 2013 at 1:15am

ACR Foundation Receives Support from Zotec Partners for Generations of Future Radiology Leaders

Reston, Va. (Nov. 4, 2013) —The American College of Radiology (ACR) Foundation announced today that Zotec Partners will support the Leading Radiology into the Future campaign. The partnership will further develop and strengthen the Radiology Leadership Institute® (RLI) — radiology’s first professional development and leadership academy.

T. Scott Law, founding partner of Zotec Partners states, “This partnership gives Zotec Partners a unique opportunity to cultivate new leaders and…


Posted on November 6, 2013 at 3:12pm

IMAIOS announces QEVLAR, the first web and mobile cross-platform Evaluation and Learning Assessment Application

QEVLAR, the first web and mobile cross-platform Evaluation and Learning Assessment Application is set to become the point of reference for residents looking to improve their medical imaging diagnostics skills. IMAIOS expects to launch QEVLAR mid-August.

QEVLAR is a next generation quizapplication. It is an…


Posted on August 13, 2013 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

ACR Whitepaper on Teleradiology Practice Published Online in JACR

Reston, Va. (May 20, 2013) – The ACR Whitepaper on Teleradiology Practice, published online May 20 in the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR), proposes comprehensive best-practice guidelines for the practice of teleradiology, with recommendations offered regarding future ACR actions to ensure quality patient care.

“Teleradiology is now embedded in the workflow of many radiology practices throughout the United States, driven largely by an expanding…


Posted on May 20, 2013 at 9:41pm

ACR Foundation Launches National Campaign to Benefit Generations of Future Radiology Leaders

 Reston, Va. (May 16, 2013) — Health care in the U.S. is changing, and radiologists, at all career levels, need to obtain the leadership skills necessary to adapt to these changes and keep radiology as central to the delivery of high quality medical care. In response to this growing need, the American College of Radiology (ACR) Foundation recently launched a national fundraising campaign called…


Posted on May 16, 2013 at 8:12pm

Radiologist Compensation Report for 2013 - How does your income stack up?

If you are a radiologist, how is your income compared to your peers?  Medscape recently completed a radiologist compensation survey.   See the results here.  Over 22,000 radiologists were surveyed.  

Please click the link below to view the compensation report:



Posted on April 27, 2013 at 11:51am

Comment Wall (29 comments)

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At 2:07pm on April 4, 2012, Tom Clayton, MD said…

We need to improve the headers on our radiology reports.  Does anybody have any examples that I can look at?  If you do, please send them to me directly at tomclaytonmd@gmail.com.  Thanks a lot! 

At 10:30am on February 21, 2012, Seth Crapp said…

Thanks so much for the post on radRounds facebook page. We will continue to share updates on future versions of Viewbox as well as other product offerings. Best regards,

Seth J Crapp MD, CMO Viewbox Holdings

At 12:16pm on January 30, 2012, Giuseppe Francesco Davì said…

Thank :-)

At 12:39pm on January 28, 2012, souheil barakat said…

Thank you, I plan to upload more parts from my book (radiology positioning)

At 1:11am on March 1, 2010, S. Kelly said…
You asked about Matrox products for radiology in response to the video I posted here:
This video shows performance improvements Aspyra was able to take advantage of with their software, thanks to Matrox Xenia Series hardware & SDK. Aspyra is using the Xenia Pro in their system, which is our flagship product. Xenia Series is shipping with many new PACS workstations & this board also makes a great upgrade for older workstations since it has built-in backward & forward compatibility with the greatest number of medical & non medical displays, including many older proprietary models.
Another recent product from Matrox is the RAD LPX - while this board doesn't power all the same resolutions as Xenia Series, it is available in a low-profile PCI form factor (as well as PCI Express) which may fit better in some systems. You can get more info on all of our products designed for medical imaging workstations here: www.matroxmed.com.
Thanks for your interest!
At 11:57am on January 5, 2010, saeed rad said…
Dear radRouns team thanks for puting my case Transverse colon volvulus in DiagnosticImaging site. In addition i am uploading its barium radiography, and i hink two of them would be much better.
At 12:00pm on November 16, 2009, saeed rad said…
It is good to be there and know people around world with so many friends. Thanks for puting up the site.
At 10:04am on October 26, 2009, Dave Woeber said…
Thank you, I plan to upload more interesting cases from my image library.
At 10:03am on October 26, 2009, Dave Woeber said…
Thank you, I plan to upload more interesting cases that I have in my image library.
At 2:41pm on September 10, 2009, Frank Gaillard said…
Thank you... working hard to submit the next volume (GIT) in the next week or so... (will take apple a month or so to ok it... though)
At 2:05pm on August 27, 2009, saeed rad said…
Thanks for your appreciations, i am trying to upload more cases of gastro-intestinal becase of taking part in the gastro-intestinal group.
At 2:00pm on August 27, 2009, saeed rad said…
Thank you.
At 7:49am on December 11, 2008, Ehsan Kiani said…
Thank you for the appreciation. I am just getting used to the site layout. I will post more cases soon
At 2:37pm on October 15, 2008, Céline RODRIGUEZ said…
Thank you very much for your comment, I'm happy that pleases you!
At 3:00pm on October 6, 2008, saeed rad said…
Thanks for your mail, i will try to upload more cases on GI tract radiology if you don't mind, there are requests!
At 12:31am on May 26, 2008, Frank Gaillard said…
Hi S.

Yeah I a very happy with the new version of Radiopaedia.org, still a couple of bugs I would like to iron out before I tell everyone (and I mean everyone) about it... Everything takes longer than initially thought huh...

Will also be advertising for new section editor posts soon...

Thanks for your support.
At 4:34pm on May 23, 2008, SM said…
I am glad I came across radrounds and am happy to be here!
At 10:53am on May 10, 2008, shubra said…
welcome steve
At 4:53am on May 9, 2008, shubra said…
hey you never see your orkut or facebook profile or what?????????????????????
At 2:49am on May 8, 2008, shubra said…
thanx rad for ur help

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