radRounds Radiology Network

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If you use Auntminnie or ACR Case in Point, here is yet another great site for cases of the day run/started by one of our radRounds members. Check out RADDAILY.COM. As per their website, here is a brief description of the site:

RadDaily.com is a radiology resource for medical students, technologists, radiology residents and radiologists. The purpose of the website is to provide users with a daily image with a brief desription. There are other websites that show daily cases which are much more involved and time intensive. The purpose of this site is to provide a single representative image of a disease process and a quick summary of the disease process. The perfect daily refresher to use while waiting for the next case to come or next series to load up in PACS during your busy workday. If you are wondering who I am I work as a radiologist in a distinctly left wing part of the world. I use this site as a educational resource for me for both radiology and web development.

So check out http://www.raddaily.com

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