radRounds Radiology Network

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radRounds will be at the 15th Symposium of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology in Munich, Germany!

It is our pleasure to announce that radRounds will be at the 15th Symposium of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology, ESUR. We will not only have a booth but we will also be delivering detailed coverage with special interviews with radiology leaders in urogenital radiology. Our very own Jana Ivanidze, who brought you the very special interview conducted by Jana with Professor Maximilian Reise..., will be leading our efforts at the ESUR.

This conference is supported by the European Society of Radiology, ESR, the Society of Urogenital Radiology, SUR, the German Roentgen Society (DRG), AG Uroradiologie of DRG, and the European Association of Urologists, EAU, ESUR 2008 will meet in Munich, Germany.

Scientific sessions, workshops, lectures, lunch time symposia sponsored by industrial partners, the opening ceremony and the welcome reception, the technical exhibit and the scientific poster exhibition will take place from September 11th through 14th, 2008, at the HighTech Campus of the University of Munich. The social programme and the accompanying persons’ programme will take you to interesting sites throughout the world-renowned city of Munich.

As announced by the ESUR:
"Urogenital radiology is rapidly advancing, with new imaging and contrast technologies on the one hand and increasing demand for imaging and intervention services by urologists,
gynaecologists, and radiation oncologists on the other. The main topics of ESUR 2008, prostate cancer, lower urinary tract, and pelvic floor, and other important topics, including gynaecologic imaging, upper urinary tract, urogenital trauma, and new developments in contrast media, will be covered by internationally acclaimed specialists in interdisciplinary lecture sessions.

We invite physicians with a specialty or a keen interest in radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, gynaecology, and urology to attend ESUR 2008 to share their knowledge and their visions with one another, to study together, to make new friends, and to renew old friendships across Europe, the Mediterranean, and many other countries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at ESUR 2008 in Munich, from September 11th through 14th! – In the
meantime, please visit our websites at www.esur2008.org, www.esur.org and www.eurokongress.de.

On behalf of the local organizing committee of ESUR 2008,
Ullrich G. Mueller-Lisse, M.D., M.B.A.,
Attending Radiologist, Associate Professor of Radiology
University of Munich Hospitals"

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