radRounds Radiology Network

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Website Review: New site for radiology bound med students! Wiki-model RadzApp enters the house of radiology.

We have the fortunate opportunity to review a new site in the world of radiology targetted to medical students who are applying for radiology. It is a Wikipedia style website detailing resources important in the residency application process. We all know how stressful and daunting the application process is. As per the founder of Radzapp, "It has been difficult finding the right information on applying. SDN and AuntMinnie are great, but the forum format makes it difficult at times. You might not find what you are looking for because you search with the wrong terms or you might have to read through 6 pages of posts to find the one piece of information you want."

The founder goes on to say "A few of my fellow applicants and I recently made a website for helping us and future applicants through the process. It is called RadzApp.com. After seeing the runaway success of wikipedia, we modeled our site as a wiki that we all can contribute to. So please stop by, check it out, and start adding information without fear. It is really easy to sign up and add pages and information. Particularly useful will be advice from recent applicants."

We think it is worth checking out. Please visit RadzApp and see for yourself.

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