radRounds Radiology Network

Connecting Radiology | Enabling collaboration and professional development

Radiology as Art - Amazing site. Medical imaging is truly beautiful.

We had the most lucky discovery this past weekend of a very beautiful and creative site, www.radiologyart.com! We radiologists are all very visual individuals and frequently have a background in photography and art. This fine site is one demonstration of the creative potential of combining art and technology. The images speak for themselves. See these examples:

In addition, here are some more excerpts from the site:

Since the summer of 2007, the Radiology Art project has been underway. This is a project dedicated to the deeper visualization of various objects that hold unique cultural importance in modern society. So far, these objects have included toys, convenience-related foods, and personal electronics.

Scans are acquired as DICOM images, then processed in Osirix software. Colors are assigned based on the varying densities of materials present throughout the object. Depending on the spread of densities within a particular subject, black or white backgrounds are chosen. Images are further processed in Adobe Photoshop for proper contrast and balance. While these images are primarily digital, high resolution prints are available of all images designated by "ss" after the imaging date.

You are invited to participate! There are two ways to get involved with the Radiology Art project:

1. Submit your own radiological art for review. Simply email a small image no larger than 500 pixels on a side to images@radiologyart.com for approval."

2. If you have an object you'd like scanned that would be appropriate for the project (i.e. toward the pursuit of scientific and artistic knowledge), you are encouraged to share. Email your project ideas to ideas@radiologyart.com for discussion.

Please visit radiologyart.com here.

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Comment by radRounds Radiology Network on March 23, 2009 at 9:01pm
Great work! Please support this work by visiting the website.
Comment by radRounds Radiology Network on March 23, 2009 at 9:00pm
Just featured on the NYTimes, March 24th, 2009 - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/science/24scan.html?_r=1&hp

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