March 10, 2008 Ultrasound manufacturers address patient care with product innovations John Bonner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the world's smallest portable scanners, a new approach to 3D imaging, an award-winning convertible platform, and a novel method for detecting deep body tumors are among the many ultrasound highlights in the Technical Exhibition at ECR 2008. Hitachi Medical Systems is unveiling its real-time tissue elastography…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Report from ECR: NSF’s underlying causes remain elusive H. A. Abella -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The relationship between gadolinium-based contrast media for MRI and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis may be more nuanced than previously thought, according to several studies presented Friday at the 2008 ECR. Danish physicians rang the alarm in 2006 when they published data revealing a link between gadolinium-based contrast media and…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Report from ECR 2008: Delayed-enhancement MR saves senior marathon runners from lethal lap H. A. Abella -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marathon runners 50 years or older may face a higher than expected risk of sudden cardiovascular accidents. MR imaging with late gadolinium enhancement may help identify these athletes in time to keep them from potentially deadly episodes, according to German researchers. Regular physical exercise…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Report from ECR 2008: 64-slice CT shows value for the assessment of the right heart H. A. Abella -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The enhanced spatial resolution and speed afforded by 64-slice CT scanning could enable the accurate assessment of right ventricular function in patients with cardiovascular disease, according to researchers in China and the U.S. Anatomic and functional analysis of the right ventricle could add valuable…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 NSF avoidance triggers debate Paula Gould -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The controversial topic of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis drew a large crowd to a special focus session at the ECR. Delegates queued to quiz speakers about their recommendations for avoidance of the condition, ensuring a lively panel discussion. NSF has taken the medical community somewhat by surprise. The systemic disorder, which results in sclerodema-like…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Israel showcases tomorrow’s imaging tools Paula Gould -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delegates caught a glimpse of the future of radiological technology at Sunday's "ESR meets Israel" session. Israel may be relatively a small nation, with a population of just seven million, but it is making important contributions to innovation. About 900 companies are developing new pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and healthcare IT products.…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Innovation drives growth of hybrid imaging Paula Gould -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest in multimodality imaging shows no sign of abating. New tracers are opening up the range of clinical applications, while novel technological solutions are paving the way for yet more modality marriages, according to speakers at Sunday's special focus session on hybrid imaging. Prof. Liselotte Højgaard, director of clinical physiology,…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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March 10, 2008 Imaging comes of age in biomedical research Philip Ward Radiologists must develop strategies for participating in the new age of imaging-based research. They need to join interdisciplinary teams, develop core imaging facilities for host institutions, involve themselves in small-animal imaging facilities, enter clinical research programs, and learn about PET and molecular imaging, which are at the core of pharmaceutical development. This was the advice of Prof. James H. Thrall,…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:00pm —
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March 10, 2008 Fresh concepts could speed up MRI Philip Ward -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Novel concepts and approaches are essential to speed up MRI examinations. Furthermore, pushing speed limits does not just mean doing the same things quicker — new application areas must also be found. These are the opinions of Prof. Jürgen Hennig, cochair and scientific director of the department of radiology and medical physics at Freiburg University…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 10, 2008 at 8:00pm —
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March 9, 2008 New ideas confront challenges posed by PACS John Bonner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACS developers face formidable challenges in their quest to create the ideal working environment for radiologists. These include coping with the explosion in the quantity of data produced in a modern hospital, efficiently retrieving and displaying that information both within the hospital environment and beyond, and achieving improved…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 9, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 8, 2008 Study assuages cardiac CT radiation worries Paula Gould -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patients' risk of developing a radiation-induced cancer is actually far lower than reports suggest, ECR delegates concerned about the level of radiation associated with cardiac CT were told in Vienna. The good news came courtesy of Dr. Joseph Schoepf, an associate professor of radiology at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 8, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 8, 2008 Fibroid embolization still faces uncertain verdict Paula Gould ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uterine artery embolization was put on trial at the ECR. Evidence in favor of this minimally invasive procedure for women with symptomatic fibroids is mounting, but the case against its widespread use remains equally strong. What interventional radiologists must now decide is how to translate this qualified support into clinical practice.…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 8, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 8, 2008 Experts outline pros and cons of functional MR and PET in clinical arena Philip Ward -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some tantalizing glimpses into future clinical applications of functional MR and PET imaging were provided at Friday's New Horizons session. Using innovative sequence design and modern contrast media, most functional methods such as perfusion and diffusion can now be easily integrated into standard MRI protocols. This…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 8, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 8, 2008 CT vendors renew emphasis on safety and speed John Bonner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safety first is the watchword for developers and users of CT technology. While imaging power and range of clinical applications continue to expand, so too does the ingenuity applied by vendors in finding new methods to reduce patient radiation exposure.Most research into cutting the radiation dose for each scanning procedure has focused on…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 8, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 8, 2008 Breast elastography techniques break new ground H. A. Abella -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two new ultrasound elastography techniques show promise for the diagnosis and characterization of breast lesions, according to researchers from France and Korea. They could complement standard gray-scale sonography, evaluate suspicious microcalcifications detected with conventional mammography, and do away with unnecessary, painful needle…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 8, 2008 at 9:30pm —
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March 7, 2008 Work-life balance: Flexibility or friction? Dr. Clare Roche, consultant radiologist, University College Hospital, Galway, Republic of Ireland We all seem to be getting busier all the time. How can we maintain a healthy work-life balance? Many radiologists work full time and are parents or caregivers for dependent relatives. Even those radiologists without family commitments want to enjoy their leisure time. Flexibility is the new buzzword, but how can flexibility be integrated…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 7, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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March 7, 2008 NSF’s underlying causes remain elusive H. A. Abella ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The relationship between gadolinium-based contrast media for MRI and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis may be more nuanced than previously thought, according to several studies presented Friday at the 2008 ECR. Danish physicians rang the alarm in 2006 when they published data revealing a link between gadolinium-based contrast media and NSF in patients with…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 7, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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March 7, 2008 American Cancer Society blesses virtual colonoscopy for screening Shalmali Pal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The American Cancer Society has added CT colonography to its approved list of colon cancer screening methods. Released this week, the new guidelines designate virtual colonoscopy as a "preferred" test that "finds polyps and cancer" and should be performed every five years. Other tests, such as fecal occult blood testing,…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 7, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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March 6, 2008 Flat colorectal lesions show strong association with invasive carcinoma Shalmali Pal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flat or depressed colorectal neoplasms are more likely than polyps to contain in situ or submucosal carcinoma, according to a study released Wednesday. Unfortunately, these nonpolypoid lesions may be missed by colon cancer screening methods, according to gastroenterologists based in Palo Alto, CA. "Nonpolyoid…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 6, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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March 5, 2008 Residents need representation at ECR Miraude EAPM Adriaensen, M.D., MSc THE ECR: HOW TO GET THERE? One. The easy way. Have a head of department who sees the enormous educational and social value of the ECR for residents. Two. Write an educational and/or scientific abstract, get it accepted, and make sure you are the presenter. All presenters have to be present. Three. If you are a spring chicken (i.e., younger than 30 years of age), apply for the Invest in the Youth Program of the…
Added by Diagnostic Imaging on March 5, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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