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Superbug MRSA Infections – a new cause of concern for patients and radiologists

Dr. Peter Rothschild is one of the world's prime MRI experts and has completed his M.D. from the University of Louisville, Kentucky. He worked as the Medical Director of the research laboratory at the University of California; San Francisco. He is a Board Certified Radiologist and has even written a book named Open MRI. He is an Professor of Radiology at University of California. Patient Comfort Systems was founded by Dr. Peter Rothschild and he is currently the president of it.

Dr. Peter Rothschild warns people about the possible risks of Superbug Methicillin - Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) infections during medical imaging (like MRI). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that hospital acquired infections are claiming more lives as compared to AIDS in United States. It also shows that around 1.7 million people had hospital acquired infections in a year and above 100,000 people lost their lives due to these infections.

As radiologists, Dr. Peter Rothschild has suggested solution to prevent such infections. After visiting many MRI centers he recommended cleaning rooms and pads or even routinely washing hands between the processes. In some centers pads utilized on MRIs are worn out or ragged and are so contaminated that they smell. These pads are replaced years ago and are covered with clean sheet to avoid cost of replacement.

You can find detailed information about Superbug infections on www.patientcomfortsystems.com.

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Comment by SM on November 25, 2008 at 11:14pm
I believe this is a valid concern...however the suggested solution is impractical particularly in busy university hospitals and tertiary referral centers with a high case volume.

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