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lifeIMAGE - Startup Poised to Revolutionize Medical Imaging for all Physicians and Patients

Enter "The Universal Inbox" for medical imaging, lifeIMAGE, a startup based in Newton, Massachusetts. lifeIMAGE spearheaded by Hamid Tabatabaie, former founder of AMICAS and CEO. If his previous track record holds true, lifeIMAGE will likely enhance the practice of radiology and medical imaging workflow practices. According to their website, lifeIMAGE is a venture-backed startup company developing Web-based applications and services that help eliminate the problems associated with lack of access to patients’ medical imaging histories. What problem is lifeIMAGE solving? A big and expensive one. According to lifeIMAGE, the U.S. healthcare system wastefully spends $10–15 billion each year on redundant radiological exams that stem from a provider's lack of access to patients' prior imaging exams. Though most diagnostic exams are already available in standard electronic formats, a void exists in the sharing of existing imaging data. By filling that void, the healthcare system can save billions of dollars, eliminate needless exposure to patient radiation, and significantly reduce medical errors. lifeIMAGE is well positioned to succeed. lifeIMAGE has partnered with various organizations such as EMC to provide safe, secure, and reliable content-management services. Radiologists frequently have to deal with the "outside CD" or outside imaging. lifeIMAGE will breath new life and hopefully come to address this issue that plaques many reading rooms across the country. By streamlining and enabling continuity of care, if successful, lifeIMAGE will both improve care and reduce unnecessary imaging costs. More to follow and we will sure to keep you updated on lifeIMAGE's successes and developments. To learn more about lifeIMAGE, please visit their website at
http://www.lifeIMAGE.com. Our friend and blog partner, Dr. Dalai has also written a wonderful post about lifeIMAGE that details their LILA server with images and slideshow demonstrating how the platform works. Please visit the
Dalai PACS Blog to read more.
Written by Jennifer Larson Staff Writer, radRounds Radiology Network http://www.radRounds.com

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