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Figley Fellowship in Radiology Journalism - ARRS

The ARRS offers one-month annual fellowships in radiology journalism. Radiologists practicing in the U.S. and Canada are eligible for the Figley Fellowships every year. Figley Fellowships are announced in December of each year.

1. To stimulate bright, promising radiologists to continue with an academic career, enhance their credentials, and stimulate interest in good radiology journalism.

2. To improve the quality of radiology journals by teaching the fundamentals of medical journalism, train manuscript reviewers and future editors, and provide core teachers of medical journalism in radiology departments around the country.

Through hands-on experience, the fellows will be taught the fundamentals of medical writing, manuscript preparation, peer review, manuscript editing, the ethics of scientific journalism, and journal publication and printing in personal tutorials given by the AJR editors and by the editorial and production staff.

The successful candidates will each be awarded a maximum of $10,000 to cover travel and other expenses. The funding will be awarded at the end of the fellowship after the fellow has turned in expense reports and receipts.

Each candidate should send a letter outlining his/her goals during the fellowship, a copy of his/her curriculum vitae and letters of recommendation from his or her department chair and one other senior person. Applications for the Figley Fellowship should be sent electronically to lmishler@acr-arrs.org. They are due October 15, 2010.

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