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(DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING) -- Will Watson Replace Radiologists? - By Arun Krishnaraj, MD, MPH

Answer: A Google news search for this returns 4,269 articles.

Question: What is Watson?

Last week the world was taken by storm as Watson, the supercomputing brainchild of IBM, easily defeated two of the greatest trivia masters on “Jeopardy!”. The nationally televised program prompted many observers to pen articles regarding the impact of this type of technology on the relationship between computers and humans.

Potential areas of transformative change sighted included fields as disparate as healthcare and hedge fund management. One NPR story even specifically mentioned radiology as an arena where artificial intelligence may replace humans. So are we destined for the dystopian futures portended by such sci-fi classics as “The Matrix” and “Terminator”? Contrary to Ken Jennings final “Jeopardy!” response, I do not welcome our new computer overlords.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com

This article was republished with permission from UBM Medica, LLC

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