Last day to submit images for SIEMENS International Image Contest! Check out the Siemens International CT Image Contest – "highest image quality at lowest dose" Should a patient have a CT examination or not? The decision made is almost always a medical one. Does the potential benefit outweigh possible radiation risks for the patient? While CT imaging entails a dose of radiation, it undoubtedly provides valuable information about our health and supports the physician in making the right diagnosis. In maximizing patient benefits, the challenge is how to obtain the highest possible image quality at the lowest possible radiation dose. International CT Image Contest – the ALARA principle For years, physicians have been educated to follow the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle. This means using the minimum radiation dose required to obtain the necessary image quality. At Siemens, we see it as our responsibility to provide medical institutions with solutions that enable them to further lower the radiation dose without compromising on image quality. We aim to encourage users from all over the world to utilize their SOMATOM CT to the full extent and to show us their best, low-radiation images. Share your work with the international community. Enter the Siemens International CT Image Contest today! Please note: The identity of every contest entrant will be withheld from the judges. Siemens Low Dose Image Contest
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