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ACR and RBMA Create Best Practices for Radiology Benefits Management Programs

ACR and RBMA Create Best Practices for Radiology Benefits Management Programs


The ACR and RBMA have developed best practice guidelines for third-party payors, managed care organizations (MCOs), radiology benefit managers (RBMs), and imaging providers for use when implementing or evaluating a Radiology Benefits Management Program (RBMP).

The College does not endorse RBMs or their approach to the marketplace, as there are better alternatives, but recognizes their current role in imaging utilization management and seeks to improve the strategies used by these programs regarding burdens created for providers and their patients.

The ACR is confident that, if implemented, these guidelines will result in a uniform process that would ease the administrative burden on payors/MCOs, ordering physicians, and imaging providers. These guidelines could function as benchmarks for RBM performance.

Click here to read the ACR/RBMA guidelines for RBMPs.

To arrange an interview with an ACR spokesperson, please contact ACR Director of Public Affairs Shawn Farley at 703-648-8936 or sfarley@acr.org.

Shawn Farley
Director of Public Affairs
American College of Radiology
703.648.8936 Office
703.869.0292 Cell

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