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The 2008 Annual Meeting Chapter Leadership Conference (AMCLC) was a big success for RADPAC. RADPAC raised $129,000 from 410 contributors compared to $110,000 raised last year from 375 contributors. In addition, of the 410 contributors at the meeting 88 were residents. There were 14 states that had all of their residents registered for the AMCLC contribute and there were 21 states that had all the councilors registered for the AMCLC contribute. Only Wisconsin and Texas had both all of their residents and all of their councilors contribute in each of the past two years at the ACR’s AMCLC.

RADPAC Reception
RADPAC hosted a V.I.P. reception for its 2007 and 2008 Circle of Excellence contributors. These are contributions that range from $2500.00 to $5000.00 hard money per year. This year’s reception was held at the Newseum in downtown Washington, DC.


As well as RADPAC’s VIP reception, RADPAC hosted the 5th Annual RADPAC Gala reception and dinner. This year’s gala featured congressional speaker and recipient of the Congressional Award for Radiological Excellence (CARE) Award Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone of (New Jersey). Congressman Pallone is Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health. Following Congressman Pallone’s remarks was an entertaining and informative perspective of the current political climate with particular focus on the upcoming presidential elections from nationally renowned political pundits Bill Press and Morton Kondracke.

RADPAC 2008 Receipts (as of 6/2/08)

So far this year, RADPAC has raised the following amounts:

Hard money contributions: $ 506,095.33
Soft money contributions: $ 44,486.66
Total contributions: $ 550,581.99

In addition, RADPAC has contributed $454,500 to federal candidates this year and has attended more than 227 fundraising events, 38 of which were in May alone.

RADPAC Election Cycle Update:

For the 2007-2008 election cycle, RADPAC has raised $1,508,873 and has contributed $1,374,000 to federal candidates.

RADPAC continues to strive towards the goal of raising $2,000,000 for this election cycle. RADPAC encourages you to recruit your colleagues to support RADPAC so it can reach this goal.

RADPAC Presentation at Meetings

RADPAC has coordinated a Member of Congress to visit and speak at 3 state radiologic chapter meetings already this year. As a supporter of RADPAC, we would like to encourage you to promote RADPAC to your colleagues. RADPAC has created several resources to help you do this including a presentation, comparison charts and educational pieces. You can find many of these resources on the RADPAC website, www.radpac.org. Contact RADPAC Staff, Heather Kaiser or Ted Burnes to request the packet of information or to have RADPAC coordinate a Member of Congress to speak at your chapter meeting.

RADPAC & Grassroots Outreach

RADPAC has now hosted 8 local radiology-specific fundraising events throughout the country for Members of Congress. RADPAC also remains heavily involved in coordinating facility visits with Members of Congress to radiology practices throughout the country. If you are interested in hosting a facility visit for your local Member of Congress, please contact Ted Burnes directly at: tburnes@acr.org.

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