radRounds Radiology Network

Connecting Radiology | Enabling collaboration and professional development

As the Internet evolves, we have discovered yet another new and exciting site for Radiology! Just like radRounds, RCollaboration offers many Web 2.0 social networking functions.

Attached below is a flyer for RCollaboration (http://www.rcollaboration.org). But in a nutshell...

"The goal of RCollaboration is to build a radiology learning community around content, conversations, and connections."

RCollaboration has two components:
1. Personal learning log - each user can enter their own interesting cases and images in their own personal learning log and control who may view it.

2. Community of practice - The personal learning log entries are then aggregated together and made available to others to learn from, comment on and ask questions. Forums and Groups are also available for
public and private discussions related to radiology.

For US-based residents and fellows, participation in RCollaboration fulfills part of the ACGME requirement for a resident learning portfolio.

For faculty, participation in RCollaboration is an alternative and complementary form of teaching and scholarship that can be documented in their curriculum vitae and medical educator's portfolio.

Ultimately, RCollaboration will help to fulfill the intent of continuing professional development by being a bridge between radiologists' practices and Maintenance of Certification by tieing learning to practice and awarding AMA PRA Category I Internet Point-of-Care CME for its use.

At this time, RCollaboration is only open for beta-testing by all U.S. radiology residents and fellows and U.S. radiology residency faculty members.

For More Information Contact:
Michael P. D'Alessandro M.D.
RCollaboration Administrator
RCollaboration is a (beta) service of the Radiological Society of North America.

Read this doc on Scribd: RCollaborationFlyer

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Comment by Michael P. D'Alessandro on June 2, 2008 at 11:25am
Gary, thanks for the post! We invite all members of radRounds who are currently residents, fellows, or faculty in the U.S. to come give RCollaboration a try.

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