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Hani B. Marcos
  • Male
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • United States
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Hani B. Marcos's Page

Profile Information

Current Organization
Radiologist and Research Scientist
Subspecialty and Expertise in Radiology
Abdominal imaging research; MRI, CT, Abdominal,OB-Gyn,, superficial parts (e.g thyroid, breast, scrotal) Ultra Sound; Color-Doppler, gastro-intestinal radiology
Radiology Residency and Fellowship
University of Vienna
University of North Carolina
Undergraduate, Medical School, and Graduate School (Degrees, Major, and Institution)
University of Vienna, Medical School, Vienna, Austria
Clinical, Academic, or Industry Experience
, Abdominal imaging research; MRI, CT, OB-Gyny Ultra Sound; gastro-intestinal radiology
Clinical, academic, research, or business interests within radiology
Abdominal imaging research; MRI, CT, OB-Gyn Ultra Sound; gastro-intestinal radiology
Publications, Honors, and Awards

-Yim PJ, Cebral JJ, Mullick R, Marcos HB, Choyke PL. Vessel surface reconstruction with a tubular deformable model. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2001 Dec;20(12):1411-21.

- Knopp MV, Giesel FL, Marcos H, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Choyke P. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in oncology. Top Magn Reson Imaging. 2001 Aug;12(4):301-8. Review.

- Ho VB, Foo TK, Czum JM, Marcos H, Choyke PL, Knopp MV. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: technical considerations for optimized clinical implementation. Top Magn Reson Imaging. 2001 Aug;12(4):283-99. Review.

- Choyke PL, Yim P, Marcos HB, Ho VB, Mullick R, Summers RM. Hepatic MR Angiography: a multiobserver comparison of visualization methods. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001 Feb;176(2):465-70.

- Foo TKF, Ho VB, Hood MN, Marcos HB, Hess SL, Choyke PL. High-spatial-resolution multistation MR imaging of lower-extremity peripheral vasculature with segmented volume acquisition: feasibility study. Radiology 2001, 219(3):835-841.

- Semelka RC, Marcos HB.
Abdominal and pelvic MRI (Wiley) November 2001
- Marcos HB, Choyke PL. MR Angiography of the kidneys
Seminars in Nephrology 2000 Sep;20(5):450-455. Review.

- Semelka RC, Cance WG, Marcos HB, Mauro MA.
Liver metastases: comparison of current MR technique and spiral CT during arterial portography for detection in 20 surgically staged cases. Radiology 1999; 213: 86-91.

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC, Noone TC, Woosley JT , Lee JKT.
MRI of normal and abnormal duodenum using the Half Fourier single shot RARE and gadolinium-enhanced spoiled gradient echo sequences.
Magn Reson Imaging 1999;17(6): 869-880

- Semelka RC, Hussain SM, Marcos HB, Woosley JT.
Biliary hamartomas: solitary and multiple lesions shown on current MR techniques including gadolinium enhancement.
J Magn Reson Imaging 1999; 10(2):196-201.

- Semelka RC, Marcos HB, Kelekis NL, Faber GH.
Incidental detection of acute myocardial infarction during routine performance of three-dimensional dynamic MR angiographic study with dynamic injection of gadolinium.
J Magn Reson Imaging 1999; 9(2): 362-365.

- Noone TC, Semelka RC, Worawattanukul S, Marcos HB.
Intraperitoneal abscesses: diagnostic accuracy of and appearances on MR imaging
Radiology 1998; 208(2): 525-528

- Lee JKT, Marcos HB, Semelka RC. MR imaging of the normal and abnormal small bowel using the HASTE sequence. AJR 1998; 170 (6):1457-1463

- Hasegawa S, Semelka RC, Noone TC Woosely JT, Marcos HB, Kenney PJ, Seigelman
Gastric stromal sarcomas: correlation of MR imaging and histopathologic findings in nine patients. Radiology 1998; 208(3): 591-595.

- Marcos HB, Noone TC, Semelka RC. MRI evaluation of acute renal trauma.
J Magn Reson Imaging 1998; 8(4): 989-990

- Semelka RC, Marcos HB. Abdominal and pelvic MRI (Springer). A.Heuck and M.Reiser (Eds.). Spleen : pp. 51-58. Non-endocrine tumors of the Pancreas : pp. 117-124. Medical Radiology-Diagnostic Imaging 1998

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC, Worawattanakul S. Normal placenta: gadolinium-enhanced dynamic MR imaging. Radiology 1997; 205(2): 493-496.

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC, Woosley JT. Abdominal granulocytic sarcomas: demonstration by MRI. Magn Reson Imaging 1997; 15(7): 873-876.

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC, Worawattanakul S. Adult intussusception: demonstration by current MR techniques. Magn Reson Imaging 1997;15(9): 1095-1098.

- Sofka CM, Semelka RC, Marcos HB, Woosley JT. MR imaging of metastatic pancreatic VIPoma: a case report. Magn Reson Imaging 1997; 15(10): 1205-1208.

- Sofka CM, Semelka RC, M.D, Marcos HB, Calvo Bf, Woosley JT. Metastatic gastric leiomyoblastoma: a case report. Magn Reson Imaging 1998; 16(3): 343-346.

- Semelka RC, Hussain SM, Marcos HB, Woosley JT. Chronic hepatitis: correlation of early patchy and delayed linear enhancement patterns on gadolinium-enhanced MR images with histopathology. J Magn Reson Imaging 2001 Mar;13(3):385-391.

- Semelka RC, Marcos HB. Polyposis syndrome of the gastrointestinal tract: MR findings. J Magn Reson Imaging 2000 (Jan); 11(1): 51-55.

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC. Stomach diseases: MR evaluation using combined T2-weighted Half-Fourier RARE and gadolinium-enhanced spoiled gradient echo sequences.
J Magn Reson Imaging 1999(Dec); 10(6): 950-960.

- Semelka RC, Hussain SM, Marcos HB, Woosley JT. Peripheral enhancement surrounding liver metastases: MR-histopathologic correlation-initial observation.
Radiology 2000 (Apr); 215(1): 89-94.

- Marcos HB, Semelka RC. Evaluation of Crohn's disease using Half-Fourier RARE and gadolinium-enhanced spoiled gradient echo sequences-initial results.
Magn Reson Imaging 2000 (Apr) 18(3): 263-268.

- Chung JJ, Semelka RC, Martin DR, Marcos HB. Colon diseases: MR evaluation using combined T2-weighted single shot echo train spin echo and gadolinium-enhanced spoiled gradient echo sequences J Magn Reson Imaging 2000 Aug;12(2):297-305.
Professional and Society Memberships
Personal interests and hobbies
Interested in
everything, private practice jobs, academic jobs, teleradiology jobs, non-traditional MD jobs (such as in business; investment banking; finance; etc), consulting offers

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