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Miranda's Comments

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At 3:38am on December 31, 2008, shivani said…
Hi miranda, since what you job profile says i can see the trail of questions left behind. Would like to ask you the same. Am a post graduate i radiology with an eight years experience in radiology on almost all modalities. May i ask you enlighten me on the details for applying for a fellowship/locum job in radiology in U.S, especially regarding the board certification process etc, the exams/interviews as per your time convenience..regards shivani...:)) good day!
At 1:10am on August 12, 2008, DR.SANJAY B.YUWANATI said…
hi, can i get some short term paid fellowship in US
At 2:09am on May 8, 2008, amol said…
Thanks , for adding on Ur friend's list.
At 2:13pm on April 30, 2008, Mohammed Saad said…
Thanks Miranda for your add, you are too young be a consultant!!!, u must be very smart!!!, I've just passed the final FRCR exam and I need some data about radiology career in USA, can you please guide me?
At 12:17pm on April 10, 2008, Dr. Anup K. Pramanik said…
i`m glad that u added me on u`r friends list!
At 9:58am on March 29, 2008, Dima said…
Hi Miranda thx for adding me u look cute.
I want to make a visiting fellowship in NorthCarolina or Syracuse do u know what is the way to that
best regards
At 6:42pm on March 28, 2008, Mohamed said…
Hi Miranda, Thanks for adding me as ur friend.
At 5:24pm on March 28, 2008, satbin said…
Hi Miranda, Thanks for adding me as ur friend. I am doing IM residency now in CA. Planning to switch to radiology residency if any open spots available.
can u give any advice.
At 7:34am on March 28, 2008, noyan said…
Hi Miranda,
Thank you for adding me as your friend. But I wonder why ?
At 2:17am on March 28, 2008, Nilesh said…
hi miranda :).
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to have u as a nice friend. Your warm smile is amazing on the snap uploaded.

Can u guide me about fellowship in Vascular/ Interventional Radiology.

At 1:19am on March 28, 2008, Aravind said…
Hi Miranda,
Thank you for adding me as your friend.

At 12:14am on March 28, 2008, AMIT AGARWAL said…
Hi Miranda ,
Thanks for adding me on your freind list.
How is everything ?

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