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Shubra's Comments

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At 8:00am on February 4, 2010, Dr.farooq rasool said…
hi Dr.Shubra,
nice to see you on this site.
nice images .
i would suggest find mandibular diseses on from the net or you may check with barns and noble book shop if u r in states.
thanks and have a nice day
At 9:01am on October 22, 2009, Swamy kmss said…
Best Wishes fron Bangalore -India
Good images
keep in touch
At 12:36pm on September 15, 2009, saeed rad said…
why? i think you can register as a Dr radiologist. Usually they accept all doing post-graduate courses and have special refresher courses also, sometimes very interesting.
At 6:28am on September 15, 2009, saeed rad said…
Hi dear Shubra glad to read from u, to apply for RSNA the best way is to hand an article they will arrange your time and lecture, but if u don't want to send the article, simple inscription for the annual congress of RSNA will do. Good luck!
At 3:55pm on July 29, 2009, saeed rad said…
Dear Dr Shubra i have left a short notice for you about having access to the articles concerning CT in mandibular diseases . U 'll find it in respose to your request on main.
At 7:50am on July 25, 2009, Dr. Sumeet Bhargava said…
and by the way u r thinking of fellowship.. hw much time is left for your residency otherwise ??
At 7:41am on July 25, 2009, Dr. Sumeet Bhargava said…
o without usmle is something that every1 searches for.. but still for ur infermation, there are research fellowships available which pay quite less but do not require mle.. but to find them out is bit difficult as they are not really being displayed on the websites..
At 2:36am on July 5, 2009, Dr. Sumeet Bhargava said…
ok .. so hw do u feel about raduiology nw after actually getting into it ?? hws the department there in DYP.. i mean the exposure ? so whts us plan then after PG
At 12:52pm on May 24, 2009, Dr. Sumeet Bhargava said…
hi shubra, so hws ur residency goin on ? where r u doin it from ? i m a radiologist from india , just completed my residency in general radiology few months bk and looking forward ffor a fellowship in eighter interventional rad or msk rad.. so wht bt you ,.. ????
At 10:53am on February 28, 2009, saeed rad said…
Dear Shubra.
You are right of thinking to get a fellowship, a short term one, in states, high progress of science there attract everyone and young fellow as you are should go there, you have got enough time to pass a long term one as well, why not! The other place apart usa i would recommend is Sweden. For some branches they are even much more progressed than states. It depends on what you are going to do. Meanwhile i wish you good luck for your choice whatever will be.
At 3:05am on February 28, 2009, saeed rad said…
Dear Shubra,
Thanx for your comment and your question. As far as i know to enter posgraduation in the states you have to pass an exam but which one i don't know, you better ask radRounds team they are more update from this point of view. My information is a bit old!
At 12:56pm on November 23, 2008, Dr. Mohamed Refaey said…
thank you so much, shubra
At 3:42am on June 11, 2008, Dr. Mohamed Refaey said…
thank you Shubra for the web page..I'm checking now..
At 2:22pm on June 10, 2008, Mohammad said…
oh, I see. I don't have one, but I have facebook account though.
At 2:17am on June 10, 2008, Mohammad said…
I'm afraid I don't know what "orkut" is.
At 2:40am on June 9, 2008, Mohammad said…
Hey Shubra, great link, thanks. You can check SDN, they have useful information there also.
At 7:55am on May 23, 2008, radRounds Radiology Network said…
Great post SM.
At 1:45pm on May 17, 2008, Giuseppe Pelle said…
Here in italy there are many possibilities to get in a residency programme in radiology (about 20 new residents each year in my university)
At 1:41pm on May 17, 2008, Giuseppe Pelle said…
I shubra...so you want to make your residency outside india
Have you ever considered Europe
At 3:42pm on May 15, 2008, Mohammad said…
Oh, so you are done..Congrats! I'm sure there are a lot of opportunities but you have to deal with the requirements of each countries, like USMLE's in USA and AMC's in Australia.

I believe you should learn about the system in each country you are interested in and figure out which suites you best. Do you have any plans?

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