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Want One of These Full-Body Scanners At Your Practice?

Moles can be mysterious. Often not a cause for concern, a mole is a cluster of pigmented cells that can appear on nearly any part of the body. Rarely do moles evolve into melanoma, but monitoring a mole or any other lesion is critical to stop it from becoming precancerous. Imaging Pioneer Canfield Scientific recently launched a commercial version of the VECTRA WB360, a whole-body imaging system that can detect any kind of lesion or skin condition in a simple scan.

Typically, a dermatologist observes the growth of a lesion by having a medical photographer snap photos of the lesion every time the patient comes into his or her clinic. However, this kind of documentation isn’t always reliable, and it can be difficult to keep track of the lesions over time. The VECTRA WB360 aims to allow dermatologists to perform more comprehensive evaluations of the skin by conducting a 360-scan of the whole body.

Before the launch, the VECTRA WB360 had been in use for the last three years at four different skin cancer centers. Through using a combination of polarized and nonpolarized lighting and 46 stereo vision pods, the VECTRA WB360 produces a high-resolution 3D image. Suspicious lesions can be identified for further study, and growing lesions are easier to detect. Canfield Scientific is in the midst of developing software that will compare lesions on two different mapping systems.

THe VECTRA WB360 creates image maps of both the front and back sides of the body. It also features a dashboard system that displays the patient’s medical history. Here’s a short video of how the VECTRA WB360 works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-FG-WSD_w0


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