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Three-T MRI enhances diagnosis of focal epilepsy

November 1, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Vol. 30 No. 11 Three-T MRI enhances diagnosis of focal epilepsy A recent study at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland has confirmed that 3T MR imaging improves on 1.5T MRI for detecting and characterizing struc-tural brain abnormalities in patients with focal epilepsy. Surgery can cure focal epilepsy, but only patients with a specific imaging-diagnosed structural brain abnormality are candidates for the treatment. An accurate, one-go MRI exam is thus preferable since insurance companies may not pay for a second one, according to sen-ior investigator Dr. Bronwyn E. Hamilton.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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