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RSNA preview: Scientific sessions expand limits of imaging diagnosis and guidance

November 20, 2008 RSNA preview: Scientific sessions expand limits of imaging diagnosis and guidance By James Brice There is nothing like a little momentum to help the RSNA organizers present the latest developments in imaging research in the meeting's scientific sessions. Everyone associated with imaging sciences from Beijing to New York City understands that presenting research in Chicago is an essential requirement for membership in this unique community. More than 210 volunteers assigned to the RSNA's scientific program committee or its 16 organ-specific subcommittees evaluated 7052 submitted abstracts this year. About one of three submissions was accepted. According to scientific program chair Dr. Robert M. Quencer, 1803 papers and 729 posters were considered good enough for presentation at this year's show.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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