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RSNA preview: Cancer specialists voice mixed feelings about oncology imaging

November 20, 2008 DiagnosticImaging.com. RSNA preview: Cancer specialists voice mixed feelings about oncology imaging By Shalmali Pal RSNA presentations on prostate cancer staging and treatment, along with talks on radiation therapy for thoracic malignancies, have piqued the interest of cancer care specialists. But in general, oncologists and radiation oncologists conveyed some reservations about this year's offerings in oncologic imaging and therapies. Dr. Thomas Smith from Virginia Commonwealth University's Massey Cancer Center in Richmond and Dr. Monica Bertagnolli from Boston's Harvard Medical School, cited as noteworthy a paper by Egyptian researchers on the utility of PET/CT in staging and restaging prostate cancer (SSA18-02, Sunday, 10:55 a.m., Room E353C).

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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