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Radiologists, approximately 90% Will Get Sued, so Here’s How to Stay Cool in a Lawsuit

A misdiagnosis isn’t a mistake radiologists can just let go of. In fact, it’s one of the most concerning and anxiety provoking issue that comes with practicing medicine. According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, 90 percent of radiologists have faced a malpractice lawsuit at least once in their career. Incorrect breast cancer diagnosis is the most common reason why patients sue — at 3.57 claims per 1,000 patients, according to researchers from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and nonspinal and spinal fractures, lung cancer, and vascular disease followed suit.

This goes to show that errors are extremely common. A 2013 study found that four percent of radiology screenings interpreted incorrectly. Patients usually sue because they don’t feel like their radiologist initiated effective communication or they neglected to recommend further testing. Although preventing mistakes is a whole other issue entirely, there are some systematic ways to manage the repercussions of a lawsuit. Here are three ways to handle medical malpractice:


-       Get in touch with your insurance provider as soon as you can. They’ll organize a team of medical and legal experts to help you resolve the case before it’s presented to a judge.

-       Wait to review all medical records and images until you’re with your attorney. That way you’ll be protected by the attorney-client privilege, as examining any related material can be used against you in court.

-       Don’t modify the medical record or images or discuss the case with any colleagues or staff. The matter should only stay between you and your attorney.


The good news is that more than half of malpractice lawsuits are dropped. Yet, if you do slip up, it’s important to be responsible and diligent. 

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