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November 14, 2008 On the edge of a digital black hole By Greg Freiherr It seems like we have been waiting forever for PACS to arrive. The first of these systems appeared three decades ago, an anomaly on the RSNA exhibit floor. They were the harbingers of a technology whose use, unlike that of CT or MR scanners, produced no revenue. Their adoption required so much: an embrace of efficiency, the digitalization of radiography, and a willingness to soft-read every imaging study. It would be nice to think this digital evolution was driven by medical need or insight, but really it was the inevitable result of a broad-based, consumer-driven migration to digital everything -- photos, videos, music, mail, even tax filings.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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