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Mid-year clinical update tracks radiology's course since the RSNA

July 1, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Mid-year clinical update tracks radiology's course since the RSNA John C. Hayes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RSNA is without doubt the big Kahuna of radiology medical meetings. With 60,000+ attendees and a program book that spans nearly 1000 pages in small type, the fall RSNA meeting sets the agenda for much of what goes on in radiology. But between the time the RSNA meeting closes shop in December and resumes on Thanksgiving weekend a year later, a lot happens in radiology. A series of specialty meetings and one general session in the spring following the RSNA meeting generate a host of new developments that also play an important role in advancing the specialty.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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