February 1, 2009 Diagnostic Imaging. Vol. 31 No. 2 International experts, cutting-edge technology impress RSNA newbie BY DONNA DOMINO Ms. Domino is feature editor of Diagnostic Imaging. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an experienced journalist but a neophyte to radiology, I went to Chicago with a healthy mixture of curiosity and trepidation. I had prepared for the RSNA sessions I was assigned to cover but wondered if the megatechnical presentations would be over my head. While many of the sessions proved daunting, and the material was dense and sometimes nearly impenetrable, I was somehow able to discern enough to write multiple daily reports that were at least accurate, if not full of deep insights. But I found it amazingly stimulating and, of course, incredibly informative, to hear such accomplished scientists discuss projects into which they had obviously invested much time, energy, and zeal.

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