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Fast CT scans increase risk of contrast timing errors

June 3, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Fast CT scans increase risk of contrast timing errors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The potential advantages of multislice CT for contrast-enhanced imaging are clear. The improved spatial and temporal resolution offered by MSCT means that high-quality images can be obtained far more quickly. Phases of enhancement are well defined, the volume of contrast required for vessel imaging can be reduced, and, depending on which phase is being imaged, the enhancement may well be more homogeneous. Achieving optimal results is by no means certain, though. The shorter the scan duration, the more critical it becomes to get the protocol right. Injection timing, contrast volume, and scan delay must all be considered carefully, Euthimios Agadakos told delegates at an ECR 2008 session devoted to CT and contrast media.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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