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Expectations for tomosynthesis debut rise amid nagging doubts

January 22, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Expectations for tomosynthesis debut rise amid nagging doubts Hologic targets 2008 release, but other vendors defer, citing clinical questions, regulatory issues, and technological uncertainties Greg Freiherr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not since the height of the CT slice wars have vendors said so much about products that were so far from market. They have been talking up breast tomosynthesis for years, adding details with each passing RSNA meeting, whetting the appetite of a marketplace enamored of digital imaging. Looming larger, year after year, until it can no longer be ignored is the question-spoken or unspoken-that begins with the word "when." Hologic, which owns more than half the U.S. market for full-field digital mammography sales, has an answer. Its RSNA booth focused visitors' attention on a tomo system that Hologic executives described as being in its final form, predicting that the company will have a tomo-capable unit for sale in the U.S. this year, possibly by summer.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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