Recently a new group called EUFORA (European Forum for Radiologists) was launched on radRounds. Administrator of the list is Dr. Erik Ranschaert, who is happy to be able to relaunch the original Eufora mailing list that he had to stop in 2001. At the time Eufora was one of the largest mailing lists for radiologists, counting more than 400 members from all over the world. Many interesting discussions took place on this list, so that it even drew the attention of some scientific journals who wanted to publish some of the issues addressed in the list. The list was also linked to a database called "Conrad" at the University of Marburg (Germany) in which images could be uploaded for discussion among the group. This project was even presented at the RSNA in 1999. The goal of Eufora is to enable radiologists from all over the world to discuss issues related to their profession, to exchange information and above all to increase their international network. "No question is too stupid to be asked" is one of rules oof the group, meaning that the threshold for asking a question should be low and remain low. On the other hand the replies and discussions following each questions should be on a professional level. To guarantee this, Dr. Ranschaert has made many efforts to gather a group of experts within Eufora. This concept was also one of the success factors of the "old" Eufora mailing list. The radRounds platform looks ideal to Dr. Ranschaert to give new life to his list, since it offers straightforward tools to upload images, video's and interesting cases that can be discussed. One of the good things is also that radRounds is completely web-based and therefore easily accessible. All radiologists are invited to join Eufora, and hopefully it will become even more lively and interesting as it ever was before.
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