May 1, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Don't skimp on better management in DRA era Value of a skilled manager to flailing practice increases just when times get toughest BY STEVEN R. RENARD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declining reimbursements in outpatient diagnostic imaging pose significant challenges for center operators across the county. What was once a fairly easy business to operate has in many ways become a challenge, especially during the past two years. Finding a good technologist was, and still is to a certain extent, a hardship for some radiology departments, but hiring a skilled manager is proving to be like finding a needle in a haystack. The real issues lie in actually identifying both qualified and affordable radiology center management teams. In the wild cascade of events this industry has endured of late, reimbursement cuts have affected bottom line performance on average 15% to 25%. Attempts to successfully hire skilled managers, however, seem to be causing the most angst for radiologists and imaging companies. Operators find that costs associated with hiring these skilled professionals are skyrocketing in an industry where cutting expenses is the latest trend. While the higher salaries now being demanded by managers may be justified, it is still a tough pill to swallow.

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