April 1, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diagnostic Imaging North America April 2008 COVER STORY By: Emily Hayes Imagers hone bedside manner to court savvy consumers DEPARTMENTS Agenda By: James Brice DI challenges readers to swallow story that features pointed findings Overread Breast screening trial favors computer-aided detection Spoof Nobel Prize goes to imaging study with sharp point Cardiac MR identifies patients for valve surgery Case of the Month Newsclips Digital imaging benefits women with dense breasts fMRI bolsters diagnosis, management of autism Fibroid embolization proves primacy in two trial results Labor bureau predicts end of chronic tech shortage Cheap drug protects against contrast-induced nephropathy Cardiovascular screening tackles disease in NFL pros X-Ray Vision By: John C. Hayes, Editor Online patient medical records will challenge radiologists and others Tech Watch Swedish researcher adds touch to 3D interpretation Digital radiography demand sputters as the boom busts Payment Policy By: Michael Longacre Reimbursement woes call for paradigm shift Research To Practice By: James Brice Imaging research efforts focus on clinical effectiveness Clinical Advances By: James Brice Bone scans find pain source in cerebral palsy patients By: Emily Hayes Apologizing when things go wrong could backfire Backscatter By: Bradley M. Tipler, M.D. Exposé shows insurers have reason to gloat Special Section: Enterprise Imaging And IT Medical Record Web-based repositories pose threat of unprotected records Image Reconstruction Shifting clinical needs recast thick-, thin-client PACS debate

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