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CR prepares to challenge solid-state digital mammo

November 1, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Vol. 30 No. 11 CR prepares to challenge solid-state digital mammo Price, flexibility advantages could lead to proliferation of systems pending moves for FDA approval By Karen Sandrick Since full-field mammography started going digital eight years ago, systems based on flat-panel arrays have dominated. But computed radiography has begun seeping into that market and, if the FDA allows CR companies to apply for streamlined 510(k) approval of mammography upgrades, the trickle of CR products could turn into a flood. With the appearance of CR-based full-field digital mammography products, mammographers can choose whether to ease into digital by extending the life cycle of already installed equipment or invest in flat-panel systems as the bridge to a 3D future.

See full article and related articles at DiagnosticImaging.com
This article was republished with permission from CMPMedica, LLC

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