January 22, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Commoditization situates specialty at crossroads John C. Hayes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiology is at a crossroads, according to three prominent radiologists who have followed the specialty's digital revolution and evolution of practice. Their message was characterized by the RSNA as "a warning and a challenge." The transformative impact of technology was at the heart of opening session presentations by RSNA president Dr. R. Gilbert Jost, former American College of Radiology Board of Chancellors president Dr. James P. Borgstede, and University of Chicago professor Dr. Paul Chang. The future can be bright if radiology embraces the best aspects of technological change and uses them to adapt to a challenging future. But the speakers warned that the prognosis for the specialty is poor if current technology trends, including teleradiology, are allowed to turn image interpretation into another low-priced commodity.

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