October 2, 2008 Diagnostic Imaging. Case of the Month -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLINICAL HISTORY A 27-year-old woman with history of nephrolithiasis presented for a renal ultrasound prior to lithotripsy. FINDINGS Sagittal and transverse supine views (Figure 1A and 1B) of the right kidney demonstrate a cystic structure in the upper pole. This structure contained highly echogenic material that layered dependently and presented a sharp horizontal interface with the anechoic fluid content of the cyst. The echogenic material caused posterior shadowing. The rest of the kidney and the visualized liver appeared normal. Another transverse set of images of the same kidney showed layering and shifting of hyperechoic material in a cystic structure in the supine (Figure 2A), left lateral decubitus (Figure 2B), and right-side (Figure 2C) positions.

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