Aftera standardbowel preparation(debris poor nutrition,cleansingenema2 hoursbefore theCT examination) the Patient can drink300/400cc. of milksupplemented with100/150ml. of iodinatedcontrast.
Abdominal Helical CT:Milkas a Low-Attenuation Oral Contrast Agent1
Susan E. Thompson, MD2, Vassilios Raptopoulos, MD, Robert L. Sheiman, MD, Michelle M. J. McNicholas, MD and Panos Prassopoulos, MD3
1 From the Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215. From the 1997 RSNA scientific assembly. Received June 5, 1998; revision requested July 30; revision received October 8; accepted November 19.Address reprint requests to V.R.
One hundred ten consecutive patients were given either whole (4%) milk, 2% milk, water, barium suspension, or no oral contrast agent before abdominal computed tomography (CT). Results with whole milk were superior to those with all other agents for gastrointestinal distention, mural visualization, and pancreas-duodenum discrimination. In bowel loop discrimination, results with 4% milk were equal to those with barium but superior to those with all other agents. Whole (4%) milk is an effective low-attenuation oral contrast agent.
You can find some about "oral jodine or oral milk-joidine solution before CT enteroclisis" here on radRounds, on Radiolopolis or (better) on CTis us (Prof. Elliot Fishman). You can also search it by my name: Giuseppe Francesco Davì
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After a standard bowel preparation (debris poor nutrition, cleansing enema 2 hours before the CT examination) the Patient can drink 300/400cc. of milk supplemented with 100/150 ml. of iodinated contrast.
The colonic CT examination can be carried out after about 1 hour after the Patient drunk milk iodine solution.
At 12:00pm on December 9, 2011,
Giuseppe Francesco Davì said…
Abdominal Helical CT: Milk as a Low-Attenuation Oral Contrast Agent1
Susan E. Thompson, MD 2, Vassilios Raptopoulos, MD, Robert L. Sheiman, MD, Michelle M. J. McNicholas, MD and Panos Prassopoulos, MD 3
1 From the Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215. From the 1997 RSNA scientific assembly. Received June 5, 1998; revision requested July 30; revision received October 8; accepted November 19.Address reprint requests to V.R.
One hundred ten consecutive patients were given either whole (4%) milk, 2% milk, water, barium suspension, or no oral contrast agent before abdominal computed tomography (CT). Results with whole milk were superior to those with all other agents for gastrointestinal distention, mural visualization, and pancreas-duodenum discrimination. In bowel loop discrimination, results with 4% milk were equal to those with barium but superior to those with all other agents. Whole (4%) milk is an effective low-attenuation oral contrast agent.
You can read more on CTisus
Hi Vougiouklis
You can find some about "oral jodine or oral milk-joidine solution before CT enteroclisis" here on radRounds, on Radiolopolis or (better) on CTis us (Prof. Elliot Fishman). You can also search it by my name: Giuseppe Francesco Davì