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Young male with known chronic prostatitis. Note concretions (C) at LS photo.
Fast facts:
 Prostatic utricle cysts are due to dilatation of the prostatic utricle.
 Midline cystic masses in the male pelvis.
 Can be very difficult or impossible to distinguish from a Mullerian duct cyst.
 Prostatic utricle cysts always arise from the level of the Verumontanum and are always in the midline (Mullerian duct cysts can arise anywhere along the path of Mullerian duct regression, from scrotum to utricle).
 Utricle cysts are variable in size but are usually smaller than mullenian duct cysts and usually do not extend above the prostate gland (Mullerian duct cysts typically extend above the prostate gland).
 Utricle cysts are most often detected in the 1st and 2nd decades of life (Mullerian duct cysts usually occur in the 3rd and 4th decades).
 Clinical include pelvic mass, obstructive and irritative urinary tract symptoms, hematuria, and suprapubic or rectal pain.
 Urine may pool in utricle cysts, since they communicate with the urethra, occasionally resulting in postvoid dribbling.
 Association of prostatic utricle cysts with a variety of genitouninany abnormalities is recognized and include hypospadias, cryptorchadism, and and unilateral renal agenesis (Mullerian duct cysts have no such associations).
 Utricle cysts may contain pus on hemorrhage if infected.
 Utricle cysts may contain cancer (i.e. endomernial carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma) with a reported prevalence as high as 3%.

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