radRounds Radiology Network

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Images of testicular cyst on ultrasound above.

Discussion of Testicular cyst:
* Simple testicular cysts are usually nonpalpable and thus are detected incidentally.
* Testicular cysts require no treatment when discovered.

Imaging Findings for Testicular cyst
* On US, testicular cysts are usually well-defined and anechoic with enhanced through transmission and an imperceptible wall.
* At MR imaging, the lesion follows the signal characteristics of fluid with all pulse sequences.
* Careful inspection is warranted to differentiate these from cystic testicular neoplasms, such as cystic teratoma.
* Contrast-enhanced MR imaging aids in this diagnosis by demonstrating lack of solid enhancement in these lesions.

This image and discussion provided by radswiki (http://www.radswiki.net)

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Comment by Bilal Munir on November 26, 2008 at 10:25am
Great discussion on testicular cyst!

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