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Comment by mohamad mirchi on September 10, 2009 at 10:56am
thanks dear wael for explanation.
this patient was a case of multiple myeloma admitted with chief complaint of respiratory distress that was progressive in last 6 Month. in biopsy from lung tissue proved to had amyloidosis involving lung paranchyma.so it is secondary type.
again thanks for attention and explanation.
Comment by Wael Nemattalla on September 1, 2009 at 7:10am
Thanks for this entity. Your case may represent the diffuse and nodular types.
Useful information:
• Amyloidosis: primary, secondary, localized, familial, and senile.
• Lung involvement:
1. Tracheobronchial: most common; multiple nodules protruding from the wall of the trachea or bronchi causing narrowing of the lumen.
2. Diffuse parenchymal: can involve both lungs diffusely or regionally with interstitial small irregular densities which may become confluent or lead to honeycombing.
3. Nodular: least common; but is most likely to cause respiratory failure. Usually in pts > 60 y/o who are generally asymptomatic until the disease is extensive
• More than one type will not usually coexist.

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