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Source: http://www.healthimaginghub.com/learning-center/radiology-teaching-files/2010/08/18/85-pulmonary-avm.html

- Abnormal communication between pulmonary artery and veins. A communication between systemic arteries and pulmonary veins is much less common (<5%)
- Types: Congenital (60%). Consider Osler-Weber-Rendu disease (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia). Acquired, 40%. Iatrogenic, Infection, Tumor.
- Radiographic Features: Lower lobe location, 70 %> middle lobe > upper lobes. Feeding artery, draining veins. Sharply defined mass. Strong enhancement. Change in size with valsalva/mueller procedure.
- Complications: Stroke (20%), abscess (10%), Rupture with possible hemothorax, hemoptysis(10%)

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