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Small multiple echogenic areas in (predominanlty medullary regions in this case) of both kidneys.

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Comment by Dr Runalaila I Soofi on May 18, 2011 at 1:49pm
Thanks for the note.
Comment by MOSAAB BABIKIR ABD ELLATIF AHMED on May 17, 2011 at 7:18pm

abdominal US:-

- both kidneys is of normal size,with pyramidal stones are seen no back pressure change .

- nephrocalcinosis(commmon differential isP-

1\ medullary spongy kidney.

2\ hyperpapathyroidism.

3\ tubular acidosis.

4\ papillary necrosis.

Comment by Dr Runalaila I Soofi on May 6, 2011 at 2:11pm
Dr Nora Yahya, hi, it's medullary sponge kidneys. This is a congenital abnormality.
Comment by Nora Yahya on April 25, 2011 at 8:38am
bilateral? may I know the patient's medcl history?

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