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Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)

- Left: Multiple cysts within an enlarged (18+ cm) kidney. Some solid renal parenchyma can still be seen.
- Right: Short ring-down artifacts indicate crystals have precipitated in some of the cysts
- DDx: Multiple simple cysts; von Hippel-Lindau (cerebellar hemangioblastoma, retinal hemangiomas, pheo); aquired cystic disease (e.g., dialysis); Infantile PKD (usually microscopic cysts)
- Final image (shown above) demonstrated a solid clot in one of the cysts
- This is common and should not be confused with a neoplasm unless there are worrisome features on other modalities or unless there is detectable vascularity on Doppler

ADPKD Associations:

- Liver cysts (50%), Pancreatic cysts (9%), rarely elsewhere
- Aneurysms (berry type in 3-13%; also aortic)
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Colonic diverticulosis
- Hypertension (50-70%)

Source: http://www.healthimaginghub.com/learning-center/radiology-teaching-files/2010/08/16/82-autosomal-dominant-polycystic-kidney-disease-adpkd.html

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