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Well defined cystic collection between bladder and rectum, fills on delayed images.

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Comment by MOSAAB BABIKIR ABD ELLATIF AHMED on May 17, 2011 at 5:29pm

CT pelvis with IV contrast revealed:

-outpouching the anterior wall of the uterus,with fain enhancement,and smooth margin of diverticular wall.

-the uterus is slightly bulky,,homogenous,,non enhanced part of ring enhaced,,that may impression of cystic content and that could be suggestive for fluid retention within uterine cavity due to vaginal obstruction by outpouching mass.

-UB is adequate capcity ,,smooth margin no stones ,,masses,,or diverticulae.

-My differential diagnosis:-

 1\ uterine cervix diverticulum with vaiginal obstrucion.

2\ vesico-uterine fistula.

3\ pedunculated leiomyoma(fibroid).

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