radRounds Radiology Network

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* Disorganized pulmonary tissue which may contain air or fluid
* Types: I large, II medium, III small (look solid)
* Normal communication with lung and vascalature unlike sequestration
* May resolve in utero or result in mediastinal shift with lung hypoplasia, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, or hydrops
* 80% unilateral
* 25% associated with other anomalies
* DDX: hernia, sequestration, foregut cyst or duplication

DDX Focal Cystic Lung Lesion:

* Congenital diaphragmatic hernia – may appear solid early
* CLE – may appear solid early
* Necrotizing pneumonia – cavitating infection
* Pneumatoceles – healing pneumonia

DDX Focal Solid Lung Lesion:

* Sequestrum – no enhancement, systemic arterial supply
* Infection – round pneumonia, abcess
* AVM – enhances like a vessel
* Solid mass – neuroblastoma, pulmonary blastoma, PNET, met
* Bronchogenic cyst – occassionally intraparenchymal, usu. mediastinal
* Bronchial atresia – finger in glove w/ surrounding emphysema

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