radRounds Radiology Network

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news on this holiday weekend but it has just come to my attention that the California Division of Workers' Compensation is proposing changes to the CA Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) that would effectively reduce imaging reimbursement by 46% over the next four years - taking the reimbursement for MRI of the L-spine (the most common MR procedure from today's $640.00 to $351.92 and an x-ray of the shoulder (the most common WC exam) down to $33.80.   

Unfortunately, objections to these reductions must be received by DWC by 5PM tomorrow night - Monday, April 5, 2010.   Below are instructions on how to object to these reductions.   It is urgent that all California practices submit a letter objecting to the changes.   I have a sample letter for practices - if you need it please email me at dmacfar@cox.net.

To object to the proposed CA Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) changes that will reduce Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology reimbursement by 46% in the next four (4) years, making it 10-20% below Medicare reimbursement in some areas, you must do the following by 5 PM, Monday, April 5, 2010:
White a letter on your practice letterhead to object to the proposed changes
Place the content of the letter, via e-mail, to DWCForums@dir.ca.gov ;
Mail a copy of your letter to:
Division of Workers' Compensation
P.O. Box 420603
San Francisco, CA 94142
Attn: DWC forums

Mail another copy of your letter, certified, to DWC in Sacramento:
DWC Sacramento
160 Promenade Circle, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95834
ATTN: Carrie Nevans
(916) 928 3101
More information can be found at:

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