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Kruskal JB, Siewert B, Anderson SW, Eisenberg RL, Sosna J.
Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 1 Deaconess Rd, West Campus 302B, Boston, MA 02215, USA. jkruskal@bidmc.harvard.edu

Radiographics. 2008 Sep-Oct;28(5):1237-50. Epub 2008 Jul 6.

Many local and national regulatory organizations require that all serious adverse events be promptly investigated, managed, and reported, with the first goal being to institute actions to prevent or minimize the occurrence of similar events. However, the tools and processes necessary for effective incident review and management have been developed largely by industrial organizations, and radiologists may not be familiar with such processes. Data analysis requires a root cause analysis to identify all possible active and latent contributors to the event, as well as the use of algorithms to determine the degree of responsibility when human error is implicated. Acceptable corrective actions that are reasonable, achievable, and measurable should be instituted. These changes should be monitored according to defined timelines by a designated person. In some cases, additional training or even remediation may be required. Subsequently, the focus should be on actively managing and improving error detection and reporting systems, as well as on seeking strategies for minimizing the occurrence of preventable errors. (c) RSNA, 2008.

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