Didier D, Ratib O, Friedli B, Oberhaensli I, Chatelain P, Faidutti B, Rutishauser W, Terrier F.
Department of Radiology, Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire de Genève, Switzerland.
Radiographics. 1993 May;13(3):561-73
The contributions of cine gradient-echo (GRE) magnetic resonance imaging were compared with those of spin-echo (SE) imaging for the evaluation of morphologic, functional, and flow alterations in 78 cases of congenital and acquired cardiac diseases. High temporal and spatial resolution cine GRE images (256 phase-encoding steps, 256 x 256 acquisition matrix interpolated to 512 x 512 for display, 16-64 frames per cycle) and SE images were acquired in each case. Cine GRE images provided a better diagnostic evaluation than SE images in several cases: (a) both masses and thrombi could be differentiated from flow artifacts; (b) abnormalities in cardiac function, such as infarction, abnormal wall motion, and ventricular dysfunction, could be evaluated; (c) small defects, shunts, and abnormal communications could be clearly seen; and (d) valvular regurgitations, poststenotic flow alterations, and aortic coarctation could be assessed. Cine GRE imaging was also valuable for postoperative evaluations. The authors believe that cine GRE imaging is a useful addition to SE sequences, especially for the assessment of blood flow and cardiac function.
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