de Rooij TP, Oestmann JW, Schultze Kool LJ, Vrooman HA, Prokop M, Schaefer CM.
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Leiden, The Netherlands.
Radiographics. 1994 Mar;14(2):407-14
The combination of computed radiography (CR) and advanced multiple beam equalization radiography (AMBER) was evaluated for both single- and dual-energy chest radiography. The improved signal-to-noise ratio found with CR and AMBER resulted in a better visualization of structures in the mediastinum and basal lung than that found with CR alone. For the central lung, no improvement was seen. Because of the compressed dynamic range with CR and AMBER, contrast on hard copies and video monitors could be high without a sacrifice in image latitude. Dual-energy images showed a considerably lower noise level. The combined use of AMBER and CR promises to overcome the dynamic range limitations of digital displays while improving signal-to-noise ratio.
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