At the completion of this program, the participant should be able to:
- Explain the basic fundamentals of ultrasound physics and instrumentation.
- Identify normal imaging characteristics of the pediatric kidneys and discuss the more commonly seen pathology associated with renal disease in infants and children.
- Discuss normal/abnormal imaging characteristics of testes and scrotum and the ultrasound evaluation and diagnostic criteria for testicular torsion.
- Discuss the nuances of the E-FAST ultrasound evaluation of the pediatric patient and describe Lung Imaging for conditions such as pneumothorax, alveolar pneumonia and endotracheal tube placement.
- Explain the benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Procedures such as vascular access and lumbar puncture.
- Describe the focused cardiac assessment of the pediatric patient in the critical care or emergency department.
- State the indications and applications of ultrasound evaluation for pyloric stenosis, intussuceptions and other bowel abnormalities, including evaluation for appendicitis.
- Explain the use of ultrasound for MSK applications such as rapid diagnosis of fracture and post-reduction bony alignment evaluation to reduce radiation exposure.
- Increase the participant’s knowledge to better perform and/or interpret pediatric ultrasound examinations.
Course Topics:
- Imaging Fundamentals
- E-FAST including nuances for pediatric patients
- Lung Imaging
- Ultrasound Guided procedures including:
- Vascular Access & Lumbar Puncture
- Focused Cardiac Assessment of the Pediatric Patient
- Urinary Tract Infection and Renal Disease in Infants & Children
- Scrotal & Testicular Evaluation
- Pediatric GI Applications in the ED
- Pyloric Stenosis, Intussusception, Evaluation of Appendix & Bowel obstruction
- MSK Applications:
- Rapid fracture diagnosis/post-reduction bony alignment etc.
- Hands-On Scanning & Case Studies
RSVP for Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care Ultrasound -- September 2011 to add comments!
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